Posted by Andrew Clarke Dec 16, 2024 3:00:00 PM

For our first Feature Spotlight post, please meet Tessaract’s Case Timeline - cards tagged with important case elements visually displayed in chronological order.

Just imagine…

All important case tasks and elements in one place - emails, files, meetings, time entries and expenses, etc. 🤗 

And with an obvious task status log it’s basically a case progress bar allowing for clear oversight and management:

- Visualise case progress 👀 
- Identify bottlenecks 🔍 
- Create, assign and reassign (incase you’re off on holiday) tasks 🏖 
- Access case elements like documents or scheduled meetings 🚪 

No more chasing for an update, hunting down files or figuring out who’s done what. 😅 

To get started, simply load a case template for common case types or build your own.

Welcome to case transparency - with Tessaract. 🤝 🤝 🤝 



Andrew Clarke

Written by Andrew Clarke

Andrew has been building businesses from scratch for over a decade and his area of expertise is developing and executing measurable, data-driven go-to-market strategies. Before Tessaract, his experience building an advertising technology company took him from London to Switzerland and all the way to Singapore. Andrew is passionate about bringing products and services to market in search of scrutiny from potential customers. He believes market feedback is essential for the positive evolution of a business and its offering on the road to achieving its full potential.