In today's Feature Spotlight episode💡, we bring you Tessaract’s Kanban Board.
A task management tool that allows you to drag and drop individual task cards between columns based on their stage of completion - ‘Open’, ‘In progress’, ‘In review’, ‘Done’.
Helping you track the progress of individual tasks AND providing new ways for you to analyse, manage and review groups of tasks.🤓💃
- A Partner may review the performance of a specific department by reviewing the number of ‘Done’ tasks ✅ for a given period of time.
- An Associate may help to identify a resource issue by flagging up 🏁 a bottleneck in the ‘In review’ column of their board.
To get started, simply navigate to your Kanban Board where you’ll see all tasks assigned to you. Senior team members can also review tasks at team, department and firm-wide levels.
Welcome to crystal clear task management - with Tessaract.🤝🤝🤝